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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Why Do We Try So Hard?

Try harder?
Do you think that what you want in life will come when you try harder?
Trying harder in reality means people turn on more muscles, physically making more of an effort
But does additional effort actually help?
Most of the time it's a waste of time
Because the additional effort is not actually relevant to the task in hand!
If you are taking the lid off a bottle and turning on leg muscles to do it, how does that help?
Makes us feel like we're working harder but doesn't actually deliver a benefit
But what happens if the lid comes off, we think it helped!
But in reality, it was our hand gripping the lid and the turning force applied that got the lid off not our leg muscles being on!
So stop trying so hard all the time
Be selective, use only useful effort on your daily tasks!



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