Unlock Your Mind and Body

Here is my online diary of all my Alexander Technique learnings and discoveries as a student and teacher. Learn the benefits of the Alexander Technique and the pitfalls to avoid when learning it yourself...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Getting lost on the internet...

I've spent the last few days working on an ecourse of mine so I can get it ready for people to use it. Every now and then I have had to surf on the internet to find out some relevant information for it. I have been amazed at how easy it is to follow links and recommendations from different people and end up being some where else entirely on something new.

This means that over the last few days I have spent a lot of time sitting in front of the computer. I have been noticing that my upper back has been getting sore and I've started thinking about what is causing this. My experience up to now tells me that I am doing something I don't need to when I'm typing and surfing and this is the root cause of my problem. Since I have had many hours working on this I have come up with a number of observations! If I try to "sit up straight" it gets worse and a lot faster too and the higher up I have my keyboard I notice it gets worse too.

I was trying to think about what would be the reasons for these things happening and I came to the conclusion that I am using the muscles across the top of my back (because there are the muscles that are getting sore) and somehow I must be using those muscles to do these actions I observed above even though I don't think I am or I don't think I need to. (These sensations of tension and irritation I'm getting don't come from nowhere!!)

I realised that I am trying to sit up straight by tensing the top of my back (to pull my shoulders back) and that is just a complete waste of time. It isn't having the outcome I want - it doesn't help me sit up straight and I just end up having sore muscles. I also worked out that when my keyboard is higher I am lifting my arms by using my shoulders rather than just raising my hands higher to get them to the keyboard. No wonder I've noticed my upper back complaining about what I have been doing.

Since I realised all of this I have stopped trying to sit up straight and that has already started to help my muscles. I have also lowered the keyboard so I am not having to lift my shoulders and I am now analysing how I am moving my arms so I can simplify the movement even further.

Whilst it might sound a bit bizarre, I love being able to respond to what I am noticing about myself and activately improve the situation as I am doing it. I feel really empowered to make a different in what I do and how I do it!


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