Unlock Your Mind and Body

Here is my online diary of all my Alexander Technique learnings and discoveries as a student and teacher. Learn the benefits of the Alexander Technique and the pitfalls to avoid when learning it yourself...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Are you present?

The other day I was reading one of the daily entries from 15 steps to relax, relieve, restore meditation series by Wild Divine.

"you are not simply a mind; you are a body too. Sometimes its easy to forget you have a body altogether until you get hungry, get a headache or you have to use the bathroom."

It got me thinking: I would add "or until you feel aches or pains from what you are doing".

I understand that its easy to forget your body but when you do, it will remind you some how.

What if we paid attention to our bodies, how we moved, what we did with them so we could look after our bodies rather than abuse them! Remember, if we look after our bodies, they'll look after us!



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