How good is the Alexander Technique?
Sometimes I need reminding how good the Alexander Technique is. Learning to teach the technique and sharing it with others is very satisfying but every now and then when things really work out for students it is really great.
Two students this month have had major break throughs. One has learnt to stop over reacting at work and be calm so they can be more effective with the work they are doing. So much so that they are getting more done!! Another has had significant tension levels. They have learnt to be able to control and stop the tension when it is causing them a problem - fantastic. This has resulted in them feeling better and being more confident about what they are doing.
It reminds me how powerful choice and self-empowerment can be (and exciting)!!
Have a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
All the best.
Barbara xx
Two students this month have had major break throughs. One has learnt to stop over reacting at work and be calm so they can be more effective with the work they are doing. So much so that they are getting more done!! Another has had significant tension levels. They have learnt to be able to control and stop the tension when it is causing them a problem - fantastic. This has resulted in them feeling better and being more confident about what they are doing.
It reminds me how powerful choice and self-empowerment can be (and exciting)!!
Have a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
All the best.
Barbara xx