Unlock Your Mind and Body

Here is my online diary of all my Alexander Technique learnings and discoveries as a student and teacher. Learn the benefits of the Alexander Technique and the pitfalls to avoid when learning it yourself...

Friday, June 29, 2007

Recovering from Injuries

I hurt my arm yesterday working in the garden. I am mad enough to be relandscaping it and moving the path and adding new features. It is proving hard work, especially in all this rain.

I strained my forearm/wrist yesterday with all the lifting and digging and it swelled up quite a lot. I followed the RICE procedure (rest, ice, compression and elevation) approach but I also added in one important feature from this Alexander Technique stuff.

That feature was: if you move well and in harmony with your body, it actually encourages and accelerates recovery.

So much so that this morning my arm was all healed. I can't say that much for the bruises and sore muscles from all the hard work but I'm happy with that!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Washing and Polishing the Car again!

After last time I washed and polished my car and I was none too impressed with the outcome (intense headache and sore neck) I tried it again.

This time it was a relief that it was completely different!! I made sure I spent just a few seconds thinking about my Alexander Technique before starting to wash and clean my car. Considering it took a good 45mins/hour to clean and polish it I was impressed I didn't end up like I did last time. Afterwards, I felt great that I had a nice clean and shiny car. Very satisfying (and problem free!).
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