Unlock Your Mind and Body

Here is my online diary of all my Alexander Technique learnings and discoveries as a student and teacher. Learn the benefits of the Alexander Technique and the pitfalls to avoid when learning it yourself...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Busy Teaching...

I'm enjoying February. It has been a busy month already and it is only half over already. I'm busy teaching in the evenings and on Fridays. From the 2 for 1 promotion in January a number of students have signed up for regular lessons. Some of them have already made great progress and my enjoyment comes from seeing them change and improve. It really gets me excited!!

I've also got some editorial coming out in next Friday's West Sussex County Times so that should be exciting too.

If you've read my website and you're not sure whether the Alexander Technique can help you then just give me a call to ask. If it isn't right or suitable I'll tell you, if it is I would also say (of course!). If you are already having treatment or you are under the care of your GP or a consultant for something then you should speak to them first before speaking to me.

I am also in the process of planning a complete upgrade of my website. One of the new areas I will add is Alexander Technique in relation to specific sports such as running or playing golf. I help people improve their performance of different sports and activities - it's like a secret weapon in this area but only if you know. So I've decided to add some info. so you can learn about these benefits too!

Friday, February 02, 2007

How useful can the Alexander Technique be?

I saw a newspaper article this week about how 60% of people have already failed at their new year resolutions by the time February comes around. Boots the Chemist ran a marketing campaign in January about change one thing targetted at increasing success.

This poses an interesting question about how success with these new ideas and resolutions comes about. Obviously Boots has picked up on trying to do too many at once can contribute to failure. I think that most people, when they are feeling strong, can change a number of different aspects but the challenge is to maintain this strength of attitude (or self discipline as some may call it) to continue.

My problem with the self discipline approach is it is usually self punishment focused (can't do or can't have) rather than reward focused (if I do this I will be able to do...). If you want to be successful at something, it usually isn't achieved in an instant and therefore requires continuing effort to achieve success. This is far easier to achieve if we are doing things that build and maintain our motivation and self-encouragement along the way.

I think the main reason we don't do this is because we are in such a hurry to get to the other end we don't base our efforts on changing the causes but look for quick fixes to success. Maybe the key to real success is dealing with the causes, building success throughout the process of achieving your goal rather than just focusing on the end result.

One of the reasons why people who learn the Alexander Technique can achieve so much is because their focus and effort is on dealing with route causes and taking successful steps on the journey rather than aiming directly at the end (and they usually achieve more than they thought possible).

If you've dropped some new year resolutions already and you want to get going again, my action plan option is still available, just book in for a lesson to discuss your goals and a follow-up for the action plan. If you want to discuss whether this approach is suitable just give me a call on +44 (0) 7919 444924.

Have a great February!

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