Unlock Your Mind and Body

Here is my online diary of all my Alexander Technique learnings and discoveries as a student and teacher. Learn the benefits of the Alexander Technique and the pitfalls to avoid when learning it yourself...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

How Many AT Lessons Do I need?

I often get asked by new students how many lessons do I need?

This is a very difficult question to answer since there are a range of factors affecting the answer.  The three main factors are:
i) what do you want to achieve
ii) what is your starting point and
iii) how much time and commitment do you want to make?

But Josh Kaufman, the author of "The First 20 hours: How to learn anything..." decided to test seven decades of academic research into cognitive and motor skill acquisition and learnt 6 new skills in a year applying the 20 hour idea. He found huge improvements in the skills he decided to learn (yoga, computer programming, touch typing on a colemak keyboard*, Go, the chinese board game, play the ukulele and windsurfing) when he spent 20 hours learning each skill.

So coming back to the question - how many lessons do I need...
Assuming no major injuries/conditions I would suggest:
Typically, 10 lessons will enable you to gain a basic familiarity with the technique and a few tools. 
Based on Josh's 20 hour rule and 1-1 lessons lasting approximately 30mins, about 40 lessons would give you a reasonable understanding and command of the tools.
Beyond that there is the excitement and personal satisfaction gained from unlocking your true potential, that number of lessons is upto you!

Barbara x

*A colemak keyboard is similar to a QWERTY keyboard except the letters are laid out in a different order which is more finger efficient.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Back from Summer School

I got back from the teacher's workshop last week. Three fun and intense days discussing and further learning of Alexander Technique teaching. It was great catching up with all my colleagues and seeing how they are doing. I had to leave the summer school early but I know everyone at summer school in Cirencester are having lots of fun!!!

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