Unlock Your Mind and Body

Here is my online diary of all my Alexander Technique learnings and discoveries as a student and teacher. Learn the benefits of the Alexander Technique and the pitfalls to avoid when learning it yourself...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Love teaching...

Just a quick note to say while I love teaching i'm now having to do my accounts for my accountant and it is never as much fun as teaching. Ho hum, i'll just keep plugging away at them then and i'll get there!

P.S. I also need to book an appt at the dentist - so it's all teeth pulling at the same time!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Regular Lessons...

What happened to Sept, I can't believe it is already the 10th of Oct? One of the many things that has been happening since last time I wrote in here is I have been having the luxury of regular AT lessons with a colleague of mine. We've been exhanging lessons on a weekly/fortnightly basis and I am really feeling the benefits of them.

I'm enjoying being challenged to think about how I am moving and I continue to improve my movements. I love the opportunity to continually improve at a significant pace. Today I had a lesson tying my shoe-laces. You may laugh but it made a big difference and it end up being a lot easier (less huff and puff, less tension and it wasn't hard work to get down there!). I went for a short walk afterwards and even that had improved dramatically!

Times like these remind me how amazing the results can be. We are able to carry on exchanging lesson for the next few weeks too so I'm looking forward to getting even better!!
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