Unlock Your Mind and Body

Here is my online diary of all my Alexander Technique learnings and discoveries as a student and teacher. Learn the benefits of the Alexander Technique and the pitfalls to avoid when learning it yourself...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Keeping Sight of the Bigger Picture

When you want to improve your performance at something it is very easy to look at the detail of what you are doing well and focus on that. while that is important it is easy to overlook the overall goal and purpose of what you are doing in the first place. Improving the detail is only necessary to improve our performance of achieving the overall goal and purpose.

So remember when you are look at improving a small detail keep the bigger picture in mind so you improve what is needed rather than improvements for the sake of improvements!

Summer School Was Great Fun!

Sorry for the delay posting this blog. I've been having access troubles to blogger.com because of my cookie settings. All sorted now. I will just have to post a number of my blogs at once to catch up!

I spent 7 days a summer school this year. Part of the time for the teachers workshop and then the rest of the time teaching the students. Since there were so many students this year we had to make sure we taught a higher no. of turns in each class. So we had lots of different activities that people worked on such as singing, walking, riding a horse (someone did actually bring their horse along), playing golf, throwing rubbish so it actually gets in the bin, rock climbing, etc. There were a great range of activities and we sometimes had to use our imagination to do so. But there was lots of learning going on and people improved so much it was a delight to see.

I even managed to get an introduction to golf off a colleague of mine and a couple of lessons in too. If you missed this year and you liked the sound of it, come along next year!

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