Recovering from Injuries
I hurt my arm yesterday working in the garden. I am mad enough to be relandscaping it and moving the path and adding new features. It is proving hard work, especially in all this rain.
I strained my forearm/wrist yesterday with all the lifting and digging and it swelled up quite a lot. I followed the RICE procedure (rest, ice, compression and elevation) approach but I also added in one important feature from this Alexander Technique stuff.
That feature was: if you move well and in harmony with your body, it actually encourages and accelerates recovery.
So much so that this morning my arm was all healed. I can't say that much for the bruises and sore muscles from all the hard work but I'm happy with that!
I strained my forearm/wrist yesterday with all the lifting and digging and it swelled up quite a lot. I followed the RICE procedure (rest, ice, compression and elevation) approach but I also added in one important feature from this Alexander Technique stuff.
That feature was: if you move well and in harmony with your body, it actually encourages and accelerates recovery.
So much so that this morning my arm was all healed. I can't say that much for the bruises and sore muscles from all the hard work but I'm happy with that!